Package pyzzle :: Module Movie
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Source Code for Module pyzzle.Movie

  1  """Presents video/audio to the user in a manner similar to Slides""" 
  2  import pygame, os, pyzzle 
  3  from pygame.rect import Rect 
  4  from pygame.surface import Surface 
  5  from pygame.sprite import Group 
  6  from Panel import Panel 
  7  import media 
9 -class Movie(Panel):
10 """Presents video/audio to the user in a manner similar to Slides. 11 12 Like the Slide, movies can blit an image to the screen, 13 perform click and highlight behavior, nest within Panels, 14 and even nest Sprites such as Hotspots, Text, and Slides. 15 16 It is worth mentioning that Pygame has limited support for 17 movies, and these limitations transfer to Pyzzle. 18 Movie files must use the MPEG-1 video codec. If the movie files 19 contain audio, they must use the MPEG-2 audio codec (not MP2), 20 and no other sounds can play alongside them. As of 0.9, 21 I have not been able to get sound to play from movie files. 22 However, you can specify a seperate audio file to play alongside 23 the movie using the soundfile attribute. This has the added 24 benefit of being able to play alongside other sounds. 25 """
26 - def __init__(self, id, moviefile, soundfile=None, stage=None, 27 rectRel=None, layer=0, loop=False, onStop=lambda:None):
28 """Creates a Movie 29 @param id: A unique identifier for the Movie. 30 @param moviefile: The name of the movie file to be played 31 @param soundfile: The name of the sound file to be played in sync 32 with the movie. Use this parameter if you cannot get sound 33 to work from your movie file, or if you would like other sounds 34 to play along with the movie (ambience, music, effects, etc.) 35 @type stage: Stage 36 @param stage: An area of the game in which the movie occurs. Used to determine 37 folder paths. 38 @type rectRel: RelativeRect 39 @param rectRel: The rectangle occupied by the Movie. 40 rect width and height do not resize the movie - this is a limitation 41 within Pygame. 42 @type layer: float 43 @param layer: The layer of the Movie. Larger numbers represent upper layers. 44 Upper layers will draw over lower layers. 45 @type boolean: 46 @param loop: Whether the movie should loop endlessly. 47 @param onStop: The function that plays upon completion of the movie. 48 If loop=True, this function will never fire. 49 """ 50 Panel.__init__(self) 51 = id 52 self.file = moviefile 53 self.stage=stage 54 self.rectRel=rectRel 55 self._rect=None 56 self._layer=layer 57 self.loaded=False 58 self.surface=None 59 self.onStop=onStop 60 self.loop=loop 61 self.played=False 62 63 self.soundfile=soundfile 64 if stage: 65 self.file=os.path.join(stage.folder, self.file)
67 - def _load(self):
68 movie=media.movies.load(self.file) 69 self.loaded=True 70 screen=pyzzle.screen.get_rect() 71 rect=Rect((0,0),movie.get_size()) 72 73 if self.rectRel: 74 left,top,width,height=self.rectRel 75 if width: rect.width =width *screen.width 76 if height: rect.height=height*screen.height 77 78 if left: rect.left=left*screen.width 79 if top:*screen.height 80 self._rect=rect 81 self.surface=pygame.surface.Surface((rect.width, rect.height)) 82 movie.set_display(self.surface)
83 - def _getMovie(self):
84 """The movie that is played.""" 85 if not self.loaded: self._load() 86 return media.movies.load(self.file)
87 movie=property(_getMovie)
88 - def _getRect(self):
89 """The coordinates of the movie. 90 rect coordinates are determined by rectRel. 91 If a coordinate in rectRel is None, the coordinate is 92 determined by the slide's image size. 93 """ 94 self._getMovie() 95 return self._rect
96 rect=property(_getRect) 97 98
99 - def draw(self, screen):
100 """Renders the movie to the screen, 101 then draws any sprites within the Movie.""" 102 movie=self._getMovie() 103 if not movie.get_busy(): 104 if self.loop: 105 movie.rewind() 106 elif not self.played: 107 self.played=True 108 self.exit(delay=0) 109 self.onStop() 110 screen.blit(self.surface, self._rect) 111 Panel.draw(self, screen)
112 - def enter(self, oldslide=None, delay=.1):
113 """Called when the user encounters the Movie. 114 @type oldslide: Panel 115 @param oldslide: The Panel that was previously presented to the user, 116 to be replaced by self 117 @param delay: The time it should take for oldslide to transition to self 118 """ 119 movie=self._getMovie() 120 if self.soundfile: 121 sound=media.sounds.load(self.soundfile) 122, fade_ms=int(delay*1000)) 123 elif movie.has_audio(): 124 pygame.mixer.quit() 125 movie.set_volume(1.0) 126
127 - def exit(self, newslide=None, delay=.1):
128 """Called when the user exits the Movie. 129 @type newslide: Panel 130 @param newslide: The Panel that was previously presented to the user, 131 to be replaced by self 132 @param delay: The time it should take for oldslide to transition to self, 133 in seconds 134 """ 135 movie=self._getMovie() 136 if self.soundfile: 137 sound=media.sounds.load(self.soundfile) 138 sound.fadeout(int(delay*1000)) 139 movie.stop()